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- Add/Update all old pages and link said pages back here
- Work on eventual Curse of Darkness and FEWL Fanlistings
- Clean stuff up in general

『 What a horrible night to have a curse ... 』

Isa : he/she : Plural : residential dhampyr : Isa is feeling ... The current mood of dhampyrism at www.imood.com

Welcome, welcome to my cringe hole aka. my corner of the net etc. etc. ill probably put writings, useful links and stuffs about all that im interested in here. If you ever need or want to contact me, you can find me at dhampyrism@proton.me or thevampirekiller on discord

The stuff im into is alot, but the aesthetics may have clued you in. Castlevania, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Yaoi/BL (and more recently, Danmei), Vintage manga, TCGs etc. etc. the list is long and ever changing but those are my main favorites as of 8/9/2024 hehe.

A loveletter to the old web if you will, this site was established around ~2023. its been not a long time but ive learnt alot. this site has gone through many changes aesthetic wise, format wise, etc. (maybe i could page a page detailing all of its changes in that sene, that'd be fun) its even changed urls a couple of times! but what remains is the creature behind it and the time ive put into it

Site Button!

Cool Peoples sites!
if you link my site anywhere, shoot me an email and ill link you back as well ^^

Other sites of mine ★

Update Log

11/09/2024 - the site map page has been made and linked!, ill update it as time goes on with the links to the actual pages lol. ive been tweaking little things here and there in my free time, (signed up for a few fanlistings too ehe), but i doubt anything major will be coming soon considering we have a test week a-comin'. Oh well, lets see!
09/09/2024 - added a rss feed for my anime list/MAL, to-do list added, button bin added. Linkless/basic index page is finished mostly, may add things here and there and tweak them but it is mostly complete i think :)
08/09/24 - Site Index warning added, site retheme for the (if im not mistaken) 4th time, cliques added, fanlistings added. Not much outside of this page has been added or updated yet, hopefully more updates in the coming days

Fan Listings


Isa is a proud fujoshi
OTF Castlevania: Curse of Darkness